Magdalene Preschool

About Us
Magdalene Preschool has been operating since 1982. We have an amazing staff team that are well trained, experienced and caring, who put the needs and safety of the children first. Our environment is spacious and light with daily access to a beautiful large, secure walled garden, where the children can dig and play in the mud kitchen, or run freely and explore, learning through their play.
We are lucky to be able to offer off road parking to drop off and pick up children.
Along with all other preschools we follow the EYFS, (Early Years Foundation Stage) a statutory framework for the provision of childcare and are monitored by OFSTED. In our last inspection we received Outstanding in two areas and Good in two areas with an overall rating of Good.
We ensure a happy, safe and stimulating environment for children to play, learn and develop. We help children to develop responsibility for themselves and their actions and to become competent, confident, independent and co-operative individuals. We work in partnership with you as parent/carers and are committed to meeting any needs you have, by listening and responding to ideas, views or concerns and by sharing your child’s achievements, experiences and friendships.