Magdalene Preschool

Feedback from previous families (Summer 2022)
I think you guys are the best! You are well organised, caring & fun and provide an ideal environment for kids to flourish and grow. You interact well with the parents and I have felt totally as ease leaving the boys in your care! Thank you!! ‘LB’
I was really impressed the way the team plan. I loved their observation and planning. Also, I really enjoyed to be part of my children’s planning ‘SG’
The nursery team are incredible. With our previous nursery, we had concerns over the development and care of our children. We transferred to Magdalene Preschool following some good feedback from our peers, but our expectations have been surpassed significantly. A & H have developed on so many levels since joining Magdalene’s and they love being there. ‘AM’
Not even a single day we have had when R had said that he didn’t want to go to his preschool. We believe this is a great happy experience we could have had ‘VT’
We can see all your hard work, care, love & professionalism within our child ‘SP’
L has loved every day of nursery, you all do an amazing job ‘EH’
What Ofsted say (Published May 2020)
“Children are safe, confident and happy in this extremely caring and welcoming pre-school”
“The staff have high expectations of Children”
“Children are challenged in their learning”
“Children’s health and well being are exceptionally well promoted”
“They are developing skills in readiness for school”
Please see full Ofsted report below